A few days ago, I posted an ugly Facebook status about Morgan McGarvey. As an explanation, not an excuse, I tell you that I have always really liked Senator McGarvey and this sorta fell in the 'always hurt the ones you love' category. I was furious about the vandalism of Democratic Headquarters and saw a news clip in which he wasn't as ugly as I wanted him to be. It was a final straw moment for me, but not with him, and I took it out on him. Not only did I post my little swipe at him as a Facebook status, I tweeted him what I wished he had said in his interview.
Senator McGarvey contacted me today and explained that, as I've had happen to me and know how it feels, media picked what they wanted to use from many more words he had actually said. And he gave me a phone number because he would like to discuss this more with me.
And he isn't even my Senator.
Morgan McGarvey is one of the reasons I always defend politicians when people lump them all together and talk about cutting their pay and their benefits, and say they don't do enough, etc. That would describe McConnell and Paul, who have ignored or sent useless form letter responses to the many letters I've sent them, and who refuse to meet with constituents who don't agree with them. This is the kind of work that good politicians do and that the people who don't get involved know nothing about - in addition to carrying the responsibility of the district, the city, the state, the country, and the world. It's a tough job with constant criticism. And, I am sorry that I criticized a good guy.
I deleted that Facebook status. Not because I'm embarrassed - I'm owning it here. Because I don't want to leave something negative about him, even though I didn't use his real name.
I won't delete my Tweet that he saw because I stand behind the message in it. I wish he would have responded that media hadn't truly represented his message but realize the traitor in the White House has made criticizing media - well, you know, white noise, to repay them for giving him such a leg-up into the position he didn't really win.