Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thank you, Robert Mueller

My takeaway, reflected upon, slept on impression of Robert Mueller:

He is exhausted, probably permanently, from giving us some of the last years of his lifetime of service to our country.

He is, without doubt, the absolute epitome of honesty and fairness. It’s impossible for him to be partisan, to prejudge, or to state without *absolute evidence*, making him an extraordinary human. We must recognize and admire this as qualifications for the job he was asked to do and qualities we should all hope to accomplish.

He is guarded so that he can be trusted beyond doubt.

And his heart is surely broken. He has seen his country attacked by outsiders and enemies from within, and the enemies from within were people he chose to identify with but who he surely knows as the reason he has to sleep with one eye open now.

I am grateful for all he has done, especially the crafty, quiet messages he sent yesterday.

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