Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sometimes I Cry Because I Am So So Happy

In what appears to be a growing journalism trend where the writer bypasses research and poses a question instead of delivering information, I read a particle a few days ago in which the aught-er asked his readers to explain why people cry when they laugh. I returned the aught-er’s effort by asking more questions. Do you also wonder why people cry when peeling onions, facing the sun, yawning, or battling foreign objects in the eye area?

I consider myself somewhat an expert on tears. My credentials, for those who might question this determination, are as follows:

^ My maternal grandfather and uncle cried every time they laughed.

^ A paternal uncle cried at weddings and after his second highball every Christmas Eve.

^ I cried for three straight days once and think, even if that is not a record, it deserves special recognition.

^ Several highly-specialized ophthalmologists have examined, prodded, x-rayed and MRI’d my eyes and concluded that they are sufficiently dry to warrant permanent plugs in all four tear ducts and a lifetime of bankrupting prescriptions.

^ I can almost recite Iyanla Vanzant’s poem, Yesterday, I Cried and I have read the entire book more than once.

^ I enjoy the benefits of crying so much that I schedule cries if too much time passes between spontaneous one.

^ My granddaughter respects my crying wisdom enough to turn to me for advice. *

Before stressing myself with the gruesome task of typing tears in my search engine box and consulting the fact monster, I flung myself on the proverbial limb, resolved that the body produces tears without emotional involvement (as in the onion, sun, yawn, and foreign object examples), and brazenly put laughter-associated tears in that same category. Even though laughter is a response to an emotion, I believe my laughing tears are more reflexive than physic.

After doing basic research, I am not sure all experts agree with me. However, even without the benefit of chemical protein testing, I am sticking with my belief for now since I am not the only one to question the wikipedia report. I am a hearty laugher, and think the pressure-in-the-head-causing-an-overflow-of-basal-tears explanation works much better than the I’m-moved-to-tears rationalization for my laughter-induced tears. Besides, a real cry requires a coordinated effort of emotions, cells, and glands, and I am quite sure I am not focused enough to carrying that out while I am enjoying myself.

* Bonus grandchild story

My four-year-old granddaughter surprised me when she left her toys to come sit beside me on the couch and watch the television special about Oprah’s Leadership Academy For Girls. She listened intently to the applicant interviews and watched the docudrama profiles of their histories. When the selected students were shown their new school and home, and a few expressed excitement over having showers, Tatum stopped breathing and looked up at me.

“Gramma, do you ever cry because you are just so so happy?” she finally asked.

I blinked away my tears and assured her that I often cry when I am so so happy.

She smiled, said she does too, and released her own little river of tears.

Double bonus definitions:

basal tear – protective (lubricate)
reflex tear – response (onions, foreign objects)
physic tears (weeping or crying) – different chemicals in these tears

Friday, March 02, 2007

REMBA Alert Successful: Hope Not Found For Silver Street Elementary School

On February 28, 2007, I published a REMBA Alert asking the public to assist with the non-search of the hopelessly missing. The outpouring of non-assistance was overwhelming and I am happy to report evidence that item 3 (Hope for the poor children of the Indiana Elementary School after their principal bragged that GWB is coming to visit because they have improved "every year since the implementation of NCLB", and then said the students are asking every man in a suit if he is the (p)resident) will never be found.

Last night, Tony Duffy, Principal of Silver Street Elementary School explained to the public how he thought the White House phone call was a prank. He asked if the caller was with Candid Camera, or Punked; suggested it might be a radio station.

After repeating a number of his silly statements for us on the local news, he closed with the big question he had asked the White House caller: “Is there people laughing at me somewhere?”

I hope Silver Street Elementary has a copy of Is Our Children Learning on hand for each student.

REBMA ALERT: Please Do Not Try To Find the Following

Unlike its popular and successful counterpart, the REBMA alert will not seek assistance or publish pictures. REBMA represents lost causes and admits any effort to recover the missing would be futile.

If you think you see any of the following, please turn away and have your eyes examined as soon as possible. It is doubtful any of them truly existed in the first place.

1) The reason anyone gives credence to Anna Nicole/Vickie’s drugged out suggestion that her mother, Virgie Arthur, is unfit to see Dannielynne when Anna Nicole left Daniel with Virgie the first seven years of his life and claimed he turned into a perfect kid.

2) The shred of honesty a couple of people still believed possible for the Bushes before this week when George said things are going well in Iraq and Laura expressed disappointment that some people are discouraged by the one bombing a day.
(Thanks to Jon Stewart for his “a bombing a day keeps the doctor away” comment.)

3) Hope for the poor children of the Indiana Elementary School after their principal bragged that GWB is coming to visit because they have improved “every year since the implementation of NCLB”, and then said the students are asking every man in a suit if he is the (p)resident.

4) Sanity for Judge Larry Seidlin who:

*started out pretending he knew what a weasel Howard Stern (the unemployed, gold-digger, not the successful talk show host) was
*and then later broke down and forgot that
-Stern might have contributed to the death of the woman whose body he was fighting for,
-definitely helped make the decision to bury her son in the Bahamas while Anna Nicole’s mental state was questionable at best,
-and is holding a child that doesn’t belong to him hostage in order to get the money he thinks he deserves.
*completely let the fact that Anna Nicole had been in a similar situation and chose to have her husband’s body cremated and divided – which should have been some clue about what she would consider fair in this situation.

5) Better logic for the goofball who said the economy is cooking the evening before the biggest one-day drop in the market in years.