Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My thoughts about Jeb Bush's comments yesterday

Still thinking about Jeb Bush's statements yesterday. I hope no one is going to allow the Republican Party to distance themselves from the "Tea Party" just because a couple are ready to call it a game and use them as fall guys. The Tea Party didn't represent anything that was not THE Republican Party, and THE Republican Party took great pleasure in using them to promote violence.

Looks to me like the Republican Party also used John McCain, Sarah Palin, the 2010 Annie Oakley Brigade, and the 2012 clown car of candidates to try and make us forget that we never, ever want another Bush in office anywhere.

1 comment:

Mister Ornery said...

I believe the theme song for the Republican primaries could have been "Send In The Clowns", with altered lyrics, of course.

JCPS BusGate