Monday, January 05, 2015

Fact, Opinion, Feeling – Three Different Things


Fact: My eyes are blue


Your opinion that my eyes are brown will not make them brown. It will make you uninformed at best, possibly colorblind if you are looking at me and saying it, and stupid if you are looking at me and sticking with your opinion because you like the person who told you they are brown and don't want to hurt their feelings by agreeing with me.


Your opinion that blue eyes are ugly might be valid but means nothing to anyone but you, and possibly people who want you to like blue eyes.


If you form and own the opinion that all people who have blue eyes are just like me because they have blue eyes, your opinion is uninformed and people who point that out to you are not bigots, even if you claim it is your opinion, you come up with fifty bible verses that you believe support that opinion, or 99% of your friends agree with you.


If you feel blue eyes are scary and can't back it up with some shaking hands, a cold sweat, and/or a rapid pulse, you probably don't understand the meaning of the word feel. If you can back it up with one or more of those things, you might have a serious case of PTSD following a bad experience with an individual who had blue eyes. I strongly urge you to seek treatment before you try to convince others to fear people who have blue eyes.

1 comment:

Stephanie Barr said...

Not sure why someone's "feelings" about a fact have any bearing in a discussion anyway.

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