Monday, June 27, 2022

Citizen’s Impeachment


Citizen’s Impeachment must become a real thing in this #AnythingGoesTheocracy


Christofascists seem to be a tiny bit obsessed with citizen’s arrest these days so why not expand that. And please don’t say this can’t be done. Can’t is a word my daughters were not allowed to use in our home – ever. Their options were, “I haven’t learned to do that yet,” I’m not sure how I can do that,” I need help/experience before I can get that done,” etc. Many adults could use that lesson now because ‘can’t do’ is literally killing our democracy.

 We are already well into #AnythingGoes territory it’s just that only one side is playing, and that side means to destroy our Constitution and way of life. If I understand correctly, article V of the Constitution says:

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

And it sure looks like this McConnell/Trump/GOP, proudly fascist-partisan court, with four questionably (at best) seated justices, has abused it’s power and ruled to change the Constitution. They have misinterpreted the second amendment in favor of their big NRA donors and the wishes of their radicalized domestic terrorists who wish to terrorize (if not kill) law-abiding citizens into their will. They’ve also reversed the first amendment in order to silence their opponents and to force their religion onto others.

We must fight fire with fire, force feed them heaping helpings of the poisonous dishes they brought to the pot luck, play by their house rules even though they didn’t win the rights to change the rules of the game we were already in. The minority is ruling the majority, without authorization.

We’ve been warned, but a judge on their side, that we are in danger of losing this country. What more motivation do we need? They will never – NEVER – care about petitions, marches, protests, our opinions, tweets, pleas, or social media posts.

ACTIONS that they do not expect – outside the box, serious, won’t-take-no ACTIONS are necessary. They have middle-school mentalities and act like bullies. They must be met like the middle-school bullies that they are.  

My short-list of reasons to believe this is warranted and we CAN make it happen:

·         Justice Kennedy’s resignation scandal Plenty of reason for doubt

·         Kavanaugh’s debt ($200k credit cards, $92k country club fees)

·         Trump LOST the popular vote, Russian interference, good reason to believe he loaded illegal electors both elections – should NOT get to load the SCOTUS

·         McConnell outright stole the seat Gorsuch took and “rammed through” Barrett, which was inconsistent with his argument for stealing Gorsuch’s seat. This is not okay.

·         Thomas – too much to even list. The man is unfit for any position in government

·         Barrett, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh lied in their hearings. Loudly and blatantly.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Republican Pattern - ProActive Dot Connecting

Remember what happened when Christo-fascist-Repubs (especially McConnell - I have documented his) and Trump (stand down and stand by)incited violence by their militias and run-of-the-mill gun nuts? Their radicalized base ACTED when incited. As the many Republican politicians who incited them often through (transparently) veiled media spots knew they would. 

I think the wisest (PROactive) thing for us to do now is to review past behaviors and patterns and PROactively connect connect dots. SCREAM that they are radicalizing and abetting people who want to commit rape and incest. Because that is exactly what they are doing. 

Who, or what kind of person, fights like hell for YEARS to excuse rape and incest and to force women and children to bear (literally) the consequences (now by threat of murder for spontaneous or elective abortion), and hint that they even want to take away contraception, leaving females no way to prevent those consequences unless they arm themselves with assault weapons which are legal? 

Hateful,  demented men (and women) wish that on others. 

I don't want WMDs to replace IUDs. 

Drone on and on, LOUD. Make the connection stick, the way they do their twisted messages. 

Make it clear and loud. 

Give the next rape and incest victims law suits, class actions, whatever fits - against McConnell for loading the court - at the very least.

Friday, June 24, 2022

I Told You So


We're there - right where I warned we would be. We are at the part where fascist-Christo-republican-domestic-terrorists used trump to finally deliver everything they'd been working toward for decades. And, now that they've accomplished all of that

  • destroying the Constitution, 
  • turning this country into a theocracy where their quiverfuls of domestic terrorists walk the streets with WMDs, prepared to kill anyone who doesn't look or act the way they want

they're finally willing to give trump the boot and pile all of their atrocities - 

  • seeds, planted by Reagan and 
  • brought to harvest by Bush, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan, McCarthy, Trump, a criminally loaded, partisan beyond belief SCOTUS, and hordes of anti-America republican and emoprog voters with the help of apathetic masses of non-voters

.they're ready to send trump packing with all their baggage on his back. He deserves that but we don't deserve what that means - that they get to wash their bloody hands and be free.


As if that isn't devastating enough, I see people who STILL don't seem to *get it* throwing everything they have into HELPING THEM. There is no reason to praise any of these republican witnesses for doing the bare minimum that should be required of every employee, or friend, or human. Being honest is what everyone should expect, of everyone, EVERY DAY - not after the damage has been done, or they are finally trying to clean up a mess that they made that got out of their control so they have to minimize personal responsibility by fessing up.


All of these Republican witnesses have supported the party that told us and them decades ago that this is EXACTLY WHERE THEY WANTED TO BE. Some have admitted that they voted for TRUMP -- the worst of the worst who mocked disabled, bragged about grabbing pussies, had failed at everything in life, was a known snake who cheated everyone in business, evicted minorities, lusted after his daughter in front of cameras -- and will do so again if they get the chance. They are not good people JUST BECAUSE they are doing the right thing this one time (probably for self-serving reasons) and everyone (ESPECIALLY MEDIA) who is giving them this ridiculous lip service right now is helping them right before midterms.


***exactly like I told you would happen***




Sunday, June 19, 2022

How Will You Face Your Grandchildren?


Next up - Tuesday, June 21 - January 6th Select Committee hearing #4. I hear from good sources that there should be some big surprises.

Even if there aren't big surprises, we should all be watching this.

Even if our rushed, immediate gratification lifestyles have caused us to be frustrated when a brave, brilliant man speaks slowly enough for his profound words to be printed in the history books as he speaks, we should all be watching this.

I've been in a super-reflective stage lately, partly due to traveling ba
ck in time for a writing project and partly due to the opposite - thinking about the future. My future, the future of people who aren't paying attention or acting, and the big question of will there be a future. If I weren't stalled in two big writing projects with a couple others on back burners, I've thought about writing BOOMER WARNING in which I do things exactly like what follows here.

The night of the first walk on the moon, I had THINGS TO DO. Danette's stepsister was in town, and we were all going to do make-overs and maybe -- just maybe -- learn how to be almost as beautiful as we all thought she was. Important shit to do. And my dad, totally uncharacteristically put his foot down (gently, of course) and said he thought I needed to stay home and watch this major event before I got together with my friends.

I can't imagine how stupid I would have felt later if I had not stayed home and watched. Especially when I got to meet Neil Armstrong later. I might have been too embarrassed to even take that opportunity. Then, I would have two reasons to feel stupid.

Now, I can't imagine how I would feel if I hadn't read, watched, discussed, pondered, tried to have some input/action for all of the major political events since then. I was *there* for the Nixon impeachment, all of the SCOTUS replacement hearings, the Clinton impeachment, both trump impeachments, the three real stolen elections and now the big lie about the steal that didn't happen - and halfway through the most important (by far) hearing yet - the one that could make or break democracy and lead to the death of humanity on this planet.

I look around at people who are too busy working, too busy having fun, too depressed, too happy, too lazy, too brainwashed, too whatever excuse they think rationalizes their refusal to be involved. And I think about how badly I wanted to leave this country in 2000 because to me it was dead the moment the SCOTUS (s)elected an unqualified man who didn't get the most vote to play (p)resident. The writing was on the wall, and I really wanted out. But the daughter who wasn't ready had children and how would I ever face my grandchildren if I hadn't done everything I possibly could to save their country for them?

In 2000, I totally dedicated my life to saving my country for my grandchildren. Totally. I spent time with those kids, but it wasn’t baking cookies and making paper flowers. It was political events, making posters, discussing current events, watching speeches on television . . . To be honest, I’m not sure today whether they appreciate or resent that. I hope it’s some of both. I’m sorry for the resentment part but I’m grateful that they are informed, thinking, caring, intelligent, informed, voting adults with a country still standing even if it’s on life-support.

2016 came. An even worse, more unqualified loser who didn't get the most votes, and who we knew had Russian help and lots of cheating to get there was made (p)resident and I wanted fucking OUT OUT OUT. But I had a new grandchild, born weeks before that election and the kids weren't ready to leave so I started over. Tired, frustrated, sad, angrier and more defeated than I had ever been in my life. Too disabled to be out there doing all I wanted to do but still I started over, doing what I could. Because, how would I ever face that last granddaughter if I hadn't do all I could do to save her country.

I ask everyone who isn't fully involved and working as hard as you can to consider this. HOW will you look your grandchildren in the eye when they are living in a Christo-fascist dictatorship, or another Syria, or worse? Because believing that isn't what happens if we don't get every Republican out of office from the top down to school board (especially school board, maybe) is not dealing in reality. Believing that that is an improvement is a death sentence for the planet. 

Or, do you think it won't matter how your grandchildren suffer if you aren't still around to witness their pain?

Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander gives URGENT MESSAGE for Jan 6Hearings