Friday, December 12, 2014

Morality and Liberals


First, hold on to your seats. I'm ready to admit that I believe the Bush team has succeeded at one thing. Not only that, it is an overwhelming success that has been tested and proven. They dumbed their base down to total cult mentality, and tested it by putting the dumbest of the pack in charge and watching the others praise him. Their dumbing down was genius. This truly is not morality, at least by my standards.


When the liberals made great strides toward ending the racial divide, the other side quickly enacted a socio-economic divide. When that stopped working in their favor, they organized a cult and turned it into a religious divide. Notice how they bloat their empty people with scripts that assume superiority (mention welfare and immediately they spout something about blacks and Hispanics, offer to help someone and they spew misinformation about their hard-earned tax pennies going to welfare moms), designed to put others in their place? That place where they tell their blind followers that liberals want to keep people in need?


Call them on their hypocrisy and they puke up a bible quote that supports bigotry and hatred. That is NOT morality.


The ironic, least sensitive but perhaps most creative, move on their part was including the 'dumbing down' portion of the script. Their obedient Christian soldiers chant the evils of dumbing down at the "intellectual elite," without realizing they've been duped. That is not morality.


Calling things as they are is not hatred, in my opinion. Calling a liar a liar, a killer a killer, a cheat a cheat, is moral, if your silence allows the liars, killers, and cheats to continue abusing others. Morality has nothing to do with political parties, religious organizations, or Christianity. It is what a person lives, regardless of those affiliations.

Sandy Knauer

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